the teaching
the teaching
Consent Form
First Name
Last Name
Cornelius has studied the meditation and Eastern approaches to the mind for over twenty years and is regarded as an authority in this field. During your time with Cornelius he may speak with you about your life, your emotions and issues you are experiencing. He may also reference states of mind and emotions in his talks and conversations and how Eastern philosophy suggests people should deal with these. Cornelius will give you insight and information based on his own personal experience and from the perspective of a number of Eastern philosophies and other perspectives. The information Cornelius shares with you is only for educational purposes. This information is not designed to diagnose, treat or cure any condition or medical / health concern. Any event, class, retreat, one-to-one consultation or any other contact with Cornelius and his teachings, practices and techniques is not a substitute for medical advice. Cornelius is NOT a doctor, psychotherapist, psychologist, psychiatrist or medical professional. Cornelius does not treat, cure or diagnose any condition. Cornelius does not give medical advice. If you would like help with any medical condition you MUST seek medical advice. If you suffer with depression, anxiety or any mental or emotional health concern or symptom you must first speak to your doctor and ask if meditation and Eastern philosophy are appropriate for you and your condition.You must follow their advice. Your doctor or a qualified medical professional is the only person that can treat, diagnose or cure a health condition or give medical advice
I am the person named on this form.
I have read, understood and agree with the statement above.
Thank you!